Have to get to San Francisco today and the weather is all doom and gloom. Cold temperatures, fog and even unstable hurricanes are mentioned. So around 10 am we climb once more into our showmobile fearing the worst. Gradually the morning mist burnt off and the sun came out and it just got hotter and hotter. Highway 101 goes from California through to Washington state and this part of it was the least interesting, so we didn’t stop much and arrived in SF around 3 pm. Was slightly cooler than on the drive so we changed from our shorts and went to have lunch in Alioto’s fish restaurant in Fisherman’s Wharf overlooking the fishing boats. Fabulous meal, then I went exploring while Neil went for a zizz before the show. Later we found the Red Devil Lounge literally two minutes away. It is a small venue on two levels and a smallish stage. Another Roland RD 700 keyboard had been procured for Neil so he was away. He wears a white shirt, and not a black tee for this series of concerts, and these shirts have to be ironed each night if he is not to go on stage looking like he has slept in them. This means they have to go with us into the hotels and they don’t always come out with us. This was one of those times, which was why it was great that the hotel was only two minutes away. The stage was ringed by pillars and so was not the best venue if you wanted to see Neil as well as hear him, but the show was good – people enjoyed it. We had an email from a couple who had been walking past the theatre and had just dropped in for something to do –never having of Neil before. They thought he was amazing and would be fans from now on. It is so nice when people bother to tell us things like that. Ricky Fataar came which we were so pleased about and we arranged to meet him for breakfast the next day.

The Red Devil Lounge

The Red Devil Lounge

Musician Roy Zimmerman interviews Neil before the gig

Musician Roy Zimmerman
interviews Neil before the gig