Sunday, 18th September 2005 in Tours & Gigs, New York Tour 2005.
Up very very late. Breakfast at midday and then Ken goes to see a concert (Blue Face Men) – not sure I have name right, but he says they are brilliant. Neil and I go back to bed till around three pm when we have all arranged to meet Tom and JJ at their hotel. Bill Kates is taking us to Coney Island. Yippeee!!!!!. We go by subway and the last time I went anywhere in New York by subway the trains were covered in graffiti – windows included- which I rather liked it at the time. But now we climb into shiny aluminium carriages – a bit like airstream caravans. The windows and some internal surfaces are scratched – scratchiti -which is not nearly as attractive. The other change is that before it was the platforms which were cool and the trains hot – now it is the reverse and the trains are mercifully cool, which is just as well because the journey takes over half an hour.
We are joined by Carol, an old buddie of Bills who lives nearby. After a meal of everything bad for you, we wander up to the very famous boardwalk passing a miniature golf course, which is like a red rag to a several bulls. Having played in Southend on the south coast of England, we have to play in Coney Island – tomorrow the world.
Around the 8th tee I spot a now derelict parachute drop with the reddening sky behind and take a picture, only noticing Neil in view when I see it on the computer. All of us win and then lose and vice versa and then we start looking for some real fun. On the way we pass a bar advertising Pina Colada so we stop and pass a pleasant hour or two.
This bar has hundreds of photographs of Coney Island in its heyday so by the time we have imbibed and perused we find that the Ferris Wheel has closed for the night.
Tom, JJ, Ken and Carol decide to do a bit of baseball and Ken turns out to be the man,
whacking those balls into the far reaches of the nets. After that bit of excitement nothing can stop us so we head for the dodgems, which actually I find a bit painful – glad to get out. Tom takes the photographs.
Then the water slide Tom and Ken in front, Neil and I safely behind (we think) with Bill and Carol bringing up the rear. This time JJ takes the pics – very wise . The only people completely soaked are Neil and I, and I mean completely, as in right through to the undies.
All good fun but now its time to catch the subway home. Bill stops to pick up some food for his partner…… and the rest of us travel back to W46th to a little restaurant Carol knows. Called The Hourglass, it is a treasure and this whole area is the one we have been trying to find over the last few weeks. Full of little shops and restaurants with lots of music. The meal is fabulous but we are all exhausted so we leave a lot of food untouched. Hope they forgive us.
Have included two pics of the same scene showing why I try not to use the flash if it can be avoided.
although you can see a lot more here, including Ken who is now facing the right way.
What a day ! Reluctantly stroll back to hotel – aware of our immenent departure and wanting to hold on to the brightness and energy just a little bit longer.