Friday, 27th January 2006 in Tours & Gigs, Bonzos 2006.
What a day. Needed to get the second half together as well as give Stephen Fry, Ade Edmundson, Paul Merton and Phil Jupitus a chance to go over their numbers. I was dispatched to type and print final final set lists so was in and out all day but managed to catch Ade singing The Strain – word perfect. Missed Paul Merton but everyone said he too was word perfect. Then Phil Jupitus played the arrived with guitar and gave a rendition of ‘Can Blue men sing the Whites’ to die for. Wild cheering.
Lastly Stephen Fry did a faultless Rhinocratic Oaths, which is no mean feat. The timing of it is hugely difficult, but he is such a Viv fan that he did it beautifully. He stayed around to listen to the next few numbers enjoying it immensely, singing along with all the words.
Somehow the enthusiasm and vivacity of the celebrities gave the band a huge lift, so that the rehearsal that day finished on a high note, so to speak.
Tonight we decide to have a meal with alcohol – something Neil has avoided for about a month. We found a Thai restaurant in a nearby hotel – this must be one of the few areas in London without a restaurant within walking distance. One toast to the gig. Two toasts to the gig. Three toasts – but that was all.
Sam Spoons – something about ‘aboriginals’..