Sunday, 11th June 2006 in May/June 2006.
Woke to a grey sky followed quickly by rain-something we are used to. Had breakfast undaunted while watching the branches of the old olive tree twist even more against the wind. A sudden burst of sun found us spreadeagled on the shingle and swimming in the crystal clear water. Will never understand how the Mediterranean is so clear. When you think of all the countries this inland sea borders, many of which are not averse to slinging everything but the kitchen sink into it. And still you can see down as far as you ocean floor – snorkling is amazing but as usual, Neil forgot to bring the snorkels so will have to get some more to add to our dizzying collection of snorkels from 16 different countries, just inside the front door at home. Anyway after about half an hour in the sun, I realised that it was making me feel giddy, so thought it best to have a drink under a sunshade in the taverna. As we did, a couple of tour boats arrived at the tiny jetty and it was again like a scene from Mr Hulot’s holiday. People climbed off the boat carrying beach mats, footballs, rubber rings, big floppy hats and had just about sorted themselves out and dipped their toes into the sea when the boat’s hooter told them time was up. So all the stuff was packed up again and the same little line of people, who an hour ago got off the boat, now walked in a crocodile all the way back. Some had tried to grab lunch and were literally half way through it – no doggie bags here.
Neil and I spent the rest of the day doing crosswords until around 7pm – I felt ready to explore. So we drove to the ‘Sunset café’ on top of one of the highest hills and watched the sun go down over olive groves and umbrella pines and a few cedars dotted about. It was so beautiful. We are hoping to wake up to a clear blue sky and a flat sea so we can practise mooring tomorrow and maybe take the boat to Patitiri.